Teacher Tap

children sharingSharing

Participants will be able to identify SHARING opportunities and technologies for local and global project interaction and collaboration including wikis, discussion groups, and online publishing.

Young people enjoy sharing their experiences with others. Let's explore creation tools, collaboration tools, and syndication tools.

Consider small and large group shared experiences using whiteboards. Learn more about Engaging Learners the SMARTboard Way.

Seek ways to connect your school to resources and activities around the world. You may not be able to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but you can participate in their activities. Go to Red Studio for an example.

Creation Tools

Consider online tools as well as resources you already have on your computer such as PowerPoint for escrapbooking.

Explore options for electronic sharing:



Learn more about comics at my online workshop Digital Comics and Graphic Novels.

For elementary grades, check out Writing, Technology, and Differentiation.

Multimedia Slide Shows

Writing and Web Pages

Children's Interactive Creators

computer personTry It!
Explore the tools above.
Or, go to MakeBeliefsComix and create a short comic. Compare this tool to Make Your Own Graphix.

Collaboration Tools

Explore options for collaboration:


Start by getting students involved with existing wiki projects.

Peter and the StarcatchersStudents read the Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Berry and Ridley Pearson. Go to the official website. Be sure download the teacher discussion guide. Check other discussion guides: 1, 2, 3, 4. Students participated in online discussions using a Moodle. The class then created a wiki on the topic of pirates.

To learn more about wikis, go to my online workshop Wiki World: Collaborative Learning Through Technology.


Join a Collaborative Project

Nature Projects

General Projects

Encourage Learning and Sharing Beyond School

Seek out quality social networks that bridge home and school.

computer personTry It!
Contribute to the Travel the USA wiki. This is a practice wiki for teachers.
Or, explore wikis and collaborative projects.

Syndication Tools

Rather than people coming to your blog, podcast, wiki, or online newspaper, consider using an RSS feed to share your web-based projects. Look for the web feed symbol in the location line of your web browser.

Go to CSS Research. Notice that at the end of the website location box is the RSS feed icon. Click this to add the feed to your feed reader such as Google Reader.

Go to Lamb and Johnson's Personal Page. Notice the RSS feed.

For mathematics, check out Mr. Kuropatwa's Classes (Applied Math 40S - W07, W08, PreCalc 20S - F06, PreCalc 30S - F06, PreCal 40S - F06, W06, W07, APCalc AB - W07, Calc 45S - S06). He uses blogs, collaboration, and images to enhance the social and emotional aspects of his classes.


Audio and Podcasts

Online Newspapers with RSS Feed

computer personTry It!
Explore blogs, podcasts, and other web resources with RSS feeds.

Let's share ideas on ISTE TodaysMeet.

Explore the standards section next.

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