Teacher Tap

Audio Sharing and Podcasts

Audio sharing involves adding sound content to the web. Audioblogs and podcasts involve adding a syndication component such as an RSS so users can subscribe to the audio. Tags are used so audio files can be categorized and searched.


  1. Grandview Library Blog
  2. High School Biology Blog with podcast
  3. Mrs. Bradley and Mrs. Mendoza's Class - text, audio, and video blog
  4. Radio Willow - Colonial Days
  5. TechTime with Mr. S - check out the library book talk podcast

Practical Projects

  1. Advertisements (i.e., books, countries, local attractions)
  2. Interviews (i.e., oral history, careers, expert interviews, local officials)
  3. Creative Works (i.e., poetry, short stories, skits, plays)
  4. Step-by-Step (i.e., directions, instructions, recipes)
  5. Web Radio (i.e., news, special events, sports)


  1. Keep sounds files 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
  2. Script the projects.
  3. Use alternating voices
  4. Create a box of items that can be used for sound effects
  5. Play stock music on a portable CD player to avoid audio mixing.


Learn more at High Tech learning: Audioblogging and Podcasting and High Tech Learning: Sounds.

computer iconBrainstorm!
Generate a list of at least a dozen student assignments involving the creation of short audios. Also consider how other media could be used along with the audio such as text, charts/graphs, books, primary source documents, real objects, maps, photographs, and other materials.


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