
Museum Exhibits

Create exihibits, diorama, science demonstrations, or other physical displays. Use a tool like Voki to create an animation with audio that can be placed on any page. Check out a Voki example. For instance, you could have small groups each work on a tabletop exhibit for their country. Then use Voki to narrate the exhibit.

Consider using a database like CultureGrams to collection information.

Audio Narration

Use a audio tool to narrative the exhibit.

For exhibit ideas, search online for sample projects you could use to inspire your own museum exhibit.

Consider using QR Codes and URL Shorteners. By including both, you have a human-readable as well as a device-readable link.

QR Codes

lizardYou can download a QR reader to your desktop or use a portable reader.
Go to Lizards Are Cool for an example.

URL Shorteners

URL Shorteners are useful when sharing long URLs in an exhibit.

Topic for Object-based Exhibits

For topic ideas, begin with a news article.

Mix artifacts that students can touch with virtual artifacts.

Teaching Ideas for Primary Sources

life vestTry It!
Use Voki or another audio tool. Or, QR stuff to create a QR codes. Or, use a URL shortener to create short URLs. Design an activity that uses one of these two tools in an engaging physical activity in your classroom. Need content? Create an exhibit for a rubber duck that includes a Voki description and QR code for a duck website.

Or, explore topics for Object-based Exhibits listed above.

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