
bee 1Swarm 1: Searchers

Digital learners need tools for finding quality information. The nature of searching has changed in the past decade, however the need for information hasn't changed.

The Old Way... Enter a keyword to find static web pages.
The New Way... Enter a word or a picture, sound, or idea to reveal a wide range of information sources. For instance, you can drag an image into the Google Image search. Check out instagrok.

Many classroom tasks revolve around developing questions or identifying problems. Then, seeking solution through the use of online resources. Design specific standards-based activities that help students practice the the skill of "digital searcher".

On this page, explore tools for Google tools and search tool alternatives. Then, choose practical applications to keep your classroom "hive alive"!

Mainstream Search Tools

Where do you search for information? If you're like most people, you simply "google it". However to find exactly want you need, it's important to know search strategies and alternative search tools.

Be sure to explore the many options within Google.

Select one of the tools above and design a curriculum-based assignment focusing on the results of a search.

Search Tool Alternatives

Many specialty tools provide special features. Look for those that meet your needs.

Compare three of these tools. Look for features including an advanced search and specific search types (i.e., images, blogs).

Keeping the Hive Alive

To help students become more effective searchers...

Use the following activity starters to practice the role of searcher:

Design assignments that require student use the information, not just copy the information they find:

  1. Compare. Ask students to compare information they find rather than just report the facts.
  2. Persuade. Ask students to take the results of the search and write a persuasive letter.

Use online tools to practice searches:

Use existing lessons to help you teach search strategies:

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