Fall 2012 (volume 12, number 4)

The Power of Technology: Unleashing the Superhero in Each Learner
By differentiating instruction through the use of technology tools and resources, educators can address the needs of all learners. Connecting the Common Core Standards to technology tools and information resources provides educators with many powerful ways to help students experience and understand the world. Let's explore five powers (plan, present, process, produce, promote passion) that educators need to unleash the superhero in all of us. Learn more...

Power Up! Literacy, Inquiry, and the Common Core
It's time to get energized, engaged, embedded, and empowered! Let's work together to Power Up! The past couple years, there's been lots of discussion about the Common Core standards. How do these fit with AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner? How can we support teachers related to the Common Core standards? Learn more...


SUMMER 2012 (volume 12, number 3)

EmergencyEngagement Emergencies: Activating the High-Tech/Couch Potato Generation
Keep students mentally and physically active in today's technology-saturated world.

Design activities that balance meaningful hands-on technology with motivating tactile experiences that promote learning.

Also, check out a school library version at Engagement Emergencies: Technology & Active Learning in Your Library.

Gobs of Google: Google Tools in Learning
You've heard of Google Searches and Google Apps, but what about all the other great ways to use Google in the classroom? From Google Patents to the latest from Google Labs, explore dozens of ways Google resources and tools can be used in the K-12 classroom.


SPRING 2012 (volume 12, number 2)

Gobs of Google: Google Tools in Learning
You've heard of Google Searches and Google Apps, but what about all the other great ways to use Google in the classroom? From Google Patents to the latest from Google Labs, explore dozens of ways Google resources and tools can be used in the K-12 classroom.


Google Games: Motivating Technology for Learning
Billions of Google searches are logged everyday. How can you harness the power of Internet inquiries for classroom teaching and learning? Games involve goals, rules, feedback, and motivation. Learn to create simple games that promote deep thinking while addressing 21st century skills and standards in your subject area and grade level using a tool you use every day. Learn more...



Transmedia Time: Synergy through Storytelling, Social Technology, Multimedia and Gaming
Discover practical ways educators can build technology-rich, fluid environments for learning using existing online content, resources, and tools. Create compelling, cohesive and convincing experiences that motivate students and address key subject area standards and 21st century skills. By matching realistic content and meaningful contexts with multi-platform communication, teachers can use technology to transform classroom assignments and assessments. Explore tons of examples you can use in your classroom today! Learn more...


Visualize, Innovate, Create: Graphic Inquiry & the NETS•S Across the Curriculum
Photos, graphic organizers, maps, and more… address the NETS-S (National Educational Technology Standards for Students) and promote information fluency through technology-rich, graphic inquiry projects that enhance content-area learning. This workshop is intended to provide a practical approach to incorporating graphic inquiry across the curriculum.

Specifically, it is designed to help the school library media specialists, technology coordinators, and classroom teachers identify tools and techniques for using graphic inquiry with their students. This visually rich workshop provides numerous, standards-based inquiry activities and projects that incorporate traditional materials as well as emerging social and collaborative technologies. Learn more...


Technology Swarms for Digital Learners
Empower young people with free web-based technologies that help students transform classroom content into meaningful, motivating learning experiences. Think, create, and share! Explore practical issues related to dynamic web-based tools and classroom integration. Select swarms of technology that will get your students moving in the right direction. Learn more...

WINTER 2012 (volume 12, number 1)


Differentiation through the Power of Technology
By differentiating instruction through the use of technology tools and resources, educators can address the needs of all learners. Explore a series of five web-based workshops to learn how you can enhance the teaching and learning environment through the use of technology. Learn more...

Projects that Pop: The Mission Matters
Building fluid environments for learning involves developing instructional materials, activities, and assessments that meet the needs of all learners.

Whether you and your students use Comic Life, PowerPoint, Moviemaker, or Google Presentations, it's time to re-imagine our student assignments and assessments. Identifying a meaningful mission, infusing engaging examples, and offering opportunities to participate and extending the experience through technology-rich resources are critical to project pizazz. Learn more...

Beyond Words in Word: Writing in an iPad, Transmedia Universe
The 21st century learner needs communication skills that transcend writing essays and technical skills that go beyond setting up margins for printing. Young people must learn to write using a variety of technology tools from iPads apps to multimedia generators. In addition, they must be able to write cooperatively and collaboratively across subject areas. If you're still teaching the basics of Microsoft Word and asking for paper-based reports, it's time to think beyond 8.5 x 11 with 1 inch margins. Learn to transform your writing assignments while addressing standards across the curriculum... Learn More...

Then and Now


Journal Years