Fall 2001 (volume 1, number 4)

fishingCatching the Best of the Web: From Selection to Integration

Using the web in your classroom is much like fishing. Anyone can sometimes catch a fish, but it takes some skill to be a successful fisherman. In the same way, it's easy to stumble upon resources on the Internet, but to find the "best of the web" takes skill and practice.

This web-based workshop helps teachers find fishing friends, search a fishing hole, adapt ideas, and start small. If you've been frustrated trying to find good resources for your classroom, maybe you just need a few fishing lessons. Learn More...

brick layingBrick by Brick: Designing and Developing Teacher Web Pages

Like sturdy buildings, teacher web pages must be built brick by brick or page by page.

Web pages are a great way to reach outside your classroom to connect with people and resources around the globe. The most effective web pages take planning. Think about the needs of your users and the time you have to spend on the project.

This web-based workshop helps educators explore teacher websites, identify content for your class page, locate a web host, expand your project, and reexamine your school website. If you've been using Internet with your students, it's time to build your own home. Learn More...

Summer 2001 (volume 1, number 3)

Beyond the Book: Reading, Technology, and Standards

bikerSome kids love to read. Others would rather be biking. Even bikers need to know how to read!

The Internet is overflowing with resources for teachers and students. Unfortunately, it's often difficult to locate worthwhile resources and build effective, efficient, and appealing curriculum materials. This workshop will help you create thematic, web-based reading/literacy units that address common reading standards and benchmarks. Learn to create web-based and technology-rich learning materials with activities, projects, and performance assessments based on reading benchmarks. Integrate a variety of web-based, reading resources for students and teachers. Explore web-based, thematic units developed by classroom teachers. Learn More...

Pigeon Power: Thinking Simple in a Complex World

When you compare the outcome to the time invested, are your technology projects really worth it? The problem may be that we're thinking "big" instead of "small." There are hundreds of ways to infuse technology into our curriculum without spending hours surfing the web, learning software, and creating large-scale projects.
When it comes to technology, we need to start focusing on simple projects that can become a transparent part of our curriculum rather than complex, time-consuming endeavors. This workshop focuses on practical ways to more effectively and efficiently engage learners through simple, technology-rich activities that stimulate higher level thinking. Did you know that in some cases carrier pigeons are still the fastest way to move information? Sometimes you need to think simple in a complex world. Learn More...

Check out our revised workshop articles and workshop materials:

Spring 2001 (volume 1, number 2)

Digital Glyphs: Imaging Ideas for a Visual World

digital glyphsUse practical, curriculum-connected activities to teach important visual literacy skills through the use of scanners, digital cameras, and imaging software.

From ancient rock art to children's sidewalk drawings, we live in a visual world. Teach important visual literacy skills through the use of scanners, digital cameras, and imaging software. Packed with practical projects, explore a wealth of curriculum-connected activities that incorporate digital imaging. Explore ideas for KidPix, Photoshop, PowerPoint, HyperStudio, and other popular software packages. Regardless of your grade level or content area there are many ways to enhance learning by connecting pictures and words. Learn More...

race carStuck in the Mud: Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap

Are you spinning your wheels, but not making much progress with technology integration?

Most educators now have lots of "technology stuff" and know what they should be doing... but issues such as time, expertise, access, resources, and support seem to get in the way. There's a gap between what we know we should do and what we actually do. It's time to figure out how to most effectively manage and integrate all the hardware, software, and other resources available to enhance learning. This article will focus on strategies for technology leaders that will spark the interests of your students, teachers, and administrators. Learn More...

landscapesTechnology Landscapes: Adapting to Changing Learning Environments

Explore the changing landscape of learning. Regardless of whether you feel like you're alone in the arctic or with friends at the beach, this article will help you climb the mountain of success with your technology projects. Explore the "As" of the classroom technology landscape including how to apply good practice, adapt current skills, activate learning environment, address individual differences, acquire new partners, and advance new ideas. Examine how Internet can be used as a tool to facilitate learning. Find out how educators are changing the landscape of teaching and learning through the use of technology. Survive in unknown technology territory by applying your knowledge of good teaching practice, adapting your current skills, and forming new relationships. Learn More...

lumber jackLumberJack Leadership: School Administrators and Technology Integration

It's not easy being a lumberjack or a school administrator. With difficult decisions, entrenched staffs, and changing times, school administrations face an uphill battle when it comes to technology integration. For the lumberjack it's not about the cool clothes, the equipment, or cutting trees. The bottom line is getting the lumber to market. For educators, the bottom line is not the technology, but using these resources and tools to help students access and process information, solve problems, make decisions, and communicate ideas. Get out your chain saw and cut through the technology and red tape to get to the bottom line, learning. Learn More...

informationInformation Technology and the Curriculum: Unlock the World of Learning

Unlocking the world of learning requires a convergence of technology, information, curriculum, standards, and assessment.

The key is to set a direction that assists teachers in connecting curriculum areas with information technology knowledge and skills. This involves helping teachers identify where in their teaching students need to access, process, and communicate information. Then, providing teachers with the technology resources and tools they need to build these connections. This article will help teachers see the link between information technology and the curriculum. Learn More...

winter 2001 (volume 1, number 1)

Journal Years