Fall 2003 (volume 3, number 4)

Walls, Fences, Potholes, and Orange Cones: Overcoming Barriers to Information Age Learning

Is your world always "under construction"? Do you have a coneheadgood program that you want to make great?

It's time to transcend the walls that block success and explore practical ideas to balance the demands of educational standards with the importance of life-long learning, global understanding, high level thinking, and subject matter content. As we rethink our curriculum, let's consider ways to ensure that all children have the information and technology skills they need to be successful today and tomorrow. It's time to jump into the construction zone, grab an orange cone, place it on your head, and lead your school in constructing innovative ways of thinking about teaching and learning. Learn More...

seedsMultimedia Seeds: Starting Points for Audio and Video

Seeds are the starting point of any effective learning environment. Learn how to locate quality audio, video, and visual elements on the web that can be integrated into a wide range of technology-rich projects.

In addition to specific resources, the session focuses on the evaluation, selection, use, management, and integration of online "multimedia resources". Issues such as access, copyright, and censorship are also discussed. Multimedia literacy (i.e., visual and auditory) and integration of multimedia resources into the K12 and higher education curriculum are examined, along with techniques for sharing and disseminating audio and visual elements (i.e., PowerPoint, Word, Inspiration, web pages). Finally, remote (i.e., video conferencing, streaming media) and emerging technologies (i.e., DVD) are highlighted. Explore multimedia seeds that will help students and their teachers grow a crop of great technology-rich projects.Learn More...

You can also view a PDF file of the session related to this topic. The links are active.

Summer 2003 (volume 3, number 3)

computersMeeting the Needs of All Students: Success through Differentiation & Technology

Each teacher is unique and each child is unique. The resources in this web project are intended to help educators develop effective materials to meet the needs of all of their students.

Three pages are available: All Levels, Elementary Level Focus and Middle/High School Level Focus. Use techology to help you differentiate the learning environment. Learn More...

Spring 2003 (volume 3, number 2)

diverThe Octopus Odyssey: Literature-Rich WebQuests, PowerQuests, and Inquiry-Based Learning

Do you feel like an octopus trying to manage multiple classroom books or reading projects at once?

You don't need eight arms to be effective. Instead, you need eight strategies for engaging your students and promoting a love of reading and inquiry. This session explores practical, technology rich projects that will engage students in reading.

Learn More...

computerInformation Overload and Other Techie Bugs: A Prescription for Healthy Internet Integration

Have you noticed that you can never find exactly what you need, but you can always find interesting, irrelevant websites? Do you need a personal assistant to help you wade through all the websites you've written on scraps of paper? Do you have more bookmarks than books? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you need Dr. Lamb's prescription for Information Overload.

This session will help you find the "best of the net" and provide realistic strategies for integrating Internet resources into classroom activities. Learn More...

winter 2003 (volume 3, number 1)

Join the Beam Team: New Frontiers in Teaching and Learning

moon carJoin the "beam team" and explore new frontiers of teaching and learning. No traffic jams, security lines, or costly tickets for this trip. All you need is a thirst for knowledge, a destination, and a guide to lead the way.

From Palm Paradise to Internet World, remember it's the journey and not the destination that's most important. This session examines how technology can help you address important standards, meet individual needs, and engage students by taking you to new worlds of teaching and learning. Learn More...

boy and computerReady, Set, What's Missing? Success through Differentiation and Technology

Your students are interested, motivated, and ready to learn. You've got computers, resources, and Internet access. You've even got a lesson that addresses your exact grade level standards. What's missing? Nothing, unless your class is "normal".

In a typical class each child is unique so some students won't be able to read the materials you've selected, a few won't find the activities challenging, and others will have difficulty with the concepts because they lack the life experiences of others. Use techology to help you differentiate the learning environment. This workshop explores ways to use the Internet to locate quality materials to address individual differences. In addition, ten tips are provided for connecting students to the learning environment through technology-rich resources. Learn More...

Journal Years