Fall 2006 (volume 6, number 4)

brainFreedom or Nightmare? Implications of Open Source Software

Freedom of access to the tools of technology helps bridge the digital divide.

Open source software provides wonderful opportunities for teaching and learning. However before you press the download button, it's essential to understand the philosophies, implications, and responsibilities of its use. From super software like Audacity and TuxPaint to key organizations like SourceForge and Creative Commons, this session provide practical strategies for enriching your technology resources, planning for the future, and avoiding potential disasters. Learn More...


The Balancing Act: Juggling the Demands of Emerging Technology
Riding the Waves: Facing the Future with Emerging Technology

It’s the best of times and the worst of times be an educator. Each emerging technology comes with new opportunities to address individual needs, alternative ways to motivate students, and innovative approaches to learning in an expanding world. At the same time these new tools and resources can have financial and program implications, trigger social and ethical concerns, and present professional development challenges. How are you dealing with the endless waves of technology pouring into your school?

wavesNo longer does one technology or a single solution fit everyone’s needs. This session explores strategies to balance the enthusiasm associated with new technology with the real-world programmatic and curricular implications. Blogs, wikis, podcasts, videocasts, and open source software are just a few of the emerging technologies prompting discussions about social networking, censorship, misinformation, plagiarism, and the role of technology in our schools.

Are you riding the waves to exciting new places or drifting out to sea? This session will help you set a course for successful infusion of emerging technologies. Learn More...

brainRe-imagine, Rejuvenate, Renew: Beyond Library Media Specialist 2.0

Whether tracing the movement of a book character using Google Earth or video conferencing with colleagues from around the globe, there's never been a more exciting time to be a School Library Media Specialist.

Like upgrading your software or adjusting to new equipment, change can be stressful. What's your role and the role of the school library media program in meeting the needs of learners today and tomorrow? How can we prepare a generation of motivated questioners, thinkers, and communicators who will harness the power of information and apply it in meaningful ways? This session will help you re-imagine, rejuvenate, and renew as you meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world. Learn More...

Also, check out Re-imagine, Rejuvenate, Renew: Educator 2.0

Summer 2006 (volume 6, number 3)


Inquiry, Imagination and Insight: Snapshots of Student Information Scientists at Work

Current research in teaching, learning, and technology provides insights into the changing needs of inquiring students and evolving roles of teacher librarians, technology coordinators, classroom teachers, and other instructional specialists as they collaborate to enrich the learning environment through a school-wide laboratory for information inquiry.

This session will provide snapshots of what’s realistic, relevant, and practical as educators wade through the technology, resources, and research available to today’s young information scientists across the subject areas. Learn more...

Spring 2006 (volume 6, number 2)

woman in planeFlight Plans for Learning: Differentiation & Deep Thinking through Technology

Fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the flight... the pilot's job is to provide a safe and successful journey. In much the same way, a teacher must design an age-appropriate environment where students can develop a love of learning.

Each teacher designs their own flight plan to meet the individual needs of their children. Although the approaches may vary, the destination is the same. This session focuses on ways to differentiate reading, writing, and math experiences through technology-rich activities. It also examines ideas for developing inferential thinking across the curriculum. Finally, tips are provided for using virtual experiences such as virtual field trips and simulations to promote deep thinking. Learn More...

tech trekkerTechnology Trekking: Exhausting, Exhilarating, Energizing

Is it possible to be overwhelmed, baffled, and perplexed as well as eager, enthusiastic, and energized? How will you apply what you’ve learned to empower yourself and impact student learning?

Now that you know how to use your laptop, GPS, and videophone to build multi-sensory learning environments filled with websites, Wikis, and WebQuests… what’s realistic, relevant, and practical?

Follow a group of educators as they decide whether blogging and podcasting will lead to improved test scores or early retirement. Learn More...


Extreme Website Makeover: Javascripts, CSS, and Multimedia

You're building web pages, but are you creating a cool virtual environment? If you know the basics of web design and are ready to add some great new, interactive elements, this workshop is for you!

Try out dozens of easy to implement approaches to enhance your website through simple javascripts, CSS, and multimedia features. Learn about using blogs, podcasting, and discussion groups through your website. Use these extensions along with Dreamweaver or other web development software to create your dream home on the web! Learn more...

Fflashlightlash in a Flash: Practical Applications Across the Curriculum

Macromedia Flash is a great tool for creating cool multimedia animations, but did you know that this popular software is also used to produce effective, efficient, and appealing instructional materials?

In this fast-paced workshop, you’ll create exciting, engaging Flash animations to address standards across content areas. Learn More...

Palm handheldThe Power of Handhelds: Reading, Writing, & Math Across the Curriculum

When you combine handheld devices such as the Palm with practical applications and authentic assignments, educators can create a powerful environment for learning.

This session examines the array of resources and tools that promote reading, writing, and math across the curriculum. From ebooks to visual information organizers, explore how handhelds complement your existing resources, expand learning opportunities, and facilitate differentiation. Learn More...

ReadingOpen Doors to Learning: Reading, Writing, and Technology Across the K12 Curriculum

Reading opens the door to learning across the curriculum. In this workshop you'll learn to integrate standards-based, technology-enhanced reading and writing experiences into your curriculum; incorporate authentic, online primary source materials; and connect reading with web-based resources and activities including literature circles, collaborative projects, and blogs.

Explore practical strategies to address essential skills, differentiate instruction to meet individual needs, and promote a love of reading. Learn More...

boy and computerThe Technology Storm: Fun and Frustrations with Few Computers in the Classroom

Do you feel like you're in the middle of a technology storm without an umbrella? Although many schools have computer labs, portable laptops, and multiple classroom computers, some teachers are still dealing with a single computer in the classroom or a few old machines. Frustrated teachers ask, "What can I do with just one computer?"

This session explores ways that teachers and students can use the computer in a large group setting to assess, present, access information, communicate, and produce and publish. It also examines how to use the computer as a teacher productivity tool and set-up a learning center. Finally, the session will explore integration, management, and technical issues. Learn More...

winter 2006 (volume 6, number 1)

home runBlogs and Blogging: A Homerun for Students, Teachers, and Technology
Blogs and Blogging: Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum

Blogs are the hottest new way to promote reading, writing, and thinking in all content areas and grade levels.

In this workshop, you’ll learn to create and integrate these “web logs” into your classroom. Using free, simple, online tools, you and your students can add digital photos, web links, and multimedia elements to bring writing alive! If you want an easy way to promote thinking, address standards, and promote collaboration, let’s blog! Learn More...

transformingTransforming Classrooms: Using Assessment Data to Enrich the Learning Environment

Testing, testing, and more testing… does all this focus on assessment really lead to higher achievement? The answer is no... unless you’re using the test results to transform the teaching and learning environment in your classroom.

Learn to create and implement a project-based learning environment with your students, reflect on the experience, and revise your approach and materials by focusing on topics, testing connections, techniques, and tehnology. Learn More...

nuggetBuilding Partnerships: Transforming Learning through Data-Driven Collaborations

Like panning for gold, the school library media specialist must collaborate with teachers and administrators to sift through tons of data to discover the "nuggets" that will address the needs of learners.

This session focuses on strategies for building collaborative relationships and developing effective, evidence-based programs that increase student achievement. Learn More...

surviveSurvive and Thrive: Strategies for Leadership and Collaboration

To survive and thrive, your school library media program must play an indispensable role in the life of your school.

This session provides practical leadership and collaboration techniques for invigorating your program by connecting to essential school functions, nurturing critical relationships, establishing exciting learning environments, and demonstrating the unique value of you and your program. Learn More...

Energizing Your Program: Collaborating Across the Curriculum

While reading, writing, and mathematics are tools for expressing and understanding ideas and information, curricular areas such as art, music, health, and physical education inspire students to be active and creative.

From books and blogs to GPS and video projects, this session stresses practical strategies for collaborating with teachers across the curriculum to address standards, as well as promote a passion for learning. Learn More...

Journal Years