Course Materials: Resources
The following materials are NOT required readings. They simply provide the foundation for the course.
Abilock, Debbie. Building Blocks of Research at Noodle Tools.
Abilock, Debbie (September/October 2004). Beginner's Blind Spot. KnowledgeQuest, 33(1).
ACRL (2012). Characteristics of Programs of Information Literacy that Illustrate Best Practices: A Guideline. Available:
Adolphus, Margaret. (2009). Using the web to teach information literacy. Online, 33(4), 20-25.
Alfino, Mark (2008). Advancing Critical Thinking and Information Literacy Skills in First Year College Students. College and Undergraduate Libraries, 15(1/2), 81-98.
ALA/AECT (1998). Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning. Prepared by the American Library Association and Association for Educational Communications and Technology. ALA.
American Library Association. (2003). Characteristics of Programs of Information Literacy that Illustrate Best Practices: a Guideline. American Library Association. Available:
Allen, M. (2008). Promoting critical thinking skills in online information literacy instruction using a constructivist approach. College and Undergraduate Libraries, 15(1-2), 21-38.
Allen, R. & Babbie, E. R. (2008). Research Methods for Social Work. Thomson Brooks/Cole.
Alvarado, Amy Edmonds & Herr, Patricia R. Inquiry-based Learning Using Everyday Objects: Hands-on Instructional Strategies that Promote Active Learning in Grades 3-8. Corwin Press.
Ambrose, D.W. The effects of hypermedia on learning: A literature review. Educational Technology, 31(12): 51-54. 1991.
Ames, C. & Ames, R. (1989). Research in Motivation in Education, Vol 3. San Diego: Academic Press.
Anderson-Inman, L. & Ditson, L. (1999). Computer-based cognitive mapping: A tool for negotiating meaning. Learning and Leading with Technology, 26, 6-13, 6-8.
Angelo, Thomas A. & Cross, K. Patricia (1993). Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers. 2nd Edition. Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education.
Appelt, K., & Pendell, K. (2010). Assess and invest: Faculty feedback on library tutorials. College and Research Libraries, 71, 245-253.
Arbaugh, F., Scholten, C. M., & Essex, N. K. (October 2001). Data in the middle grades: A probability WebQuest. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 7(2), 90-95.
Arnheim, Rudolf (1969). Virtual Thinking. University of California Press.
Armstrong, Thomas (1999). Seven Kinds of Smart: Identifying and Developing Your Multiple Intelligences. Plume.
Asselin, Marlene & Doiron, Ray (January 2008). Towards a Transformative Pedagogy for School Libraries, School Libraries Worldwide, 14(2).
Atkinson, J. & Raynor, O. (1974). Motivation and Achievement. Washington: Winston.Badke, W. (2008). Ten reasons to teach information literacy for credit. Online. 32(6), 47-9.
Badke, W. (2008). Ten reasons to teach information literacy for credit. Online. 32(6), 47-9.
Bailey, E. (2008). Constance Mellon demonstrated that college freshman are afraid of academic libraries. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 3 (3), 94-97.
Baldwin, Virginia. (2008). Resources for assessment of information literacy. Science & Technology Libraries, 28(4), 367-374.
Bandura, A. (1977). Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Publishers.
Barell, John (1995). Teaching for Thoughfulness: Classroom Strategies to Enhance Intellectual Development. 2nd Edition. White Plains, NY: Longman.
Being Fluent with Information Technology (1999). National Academy Press. Available:
Benjes-Small, Candice, Dorner, Jennifer L, Schroeder, Robert (2009). Surveying libraries to identify best practices for a menu approach for library instruction requests. Communications in Information Literacy, 3(1), 31-44.
Bent, M. and Stockdale, E. (2009). Integrating information literacy as a habit of learning - assessing the impact of a golden thread of IL in the curriculum. Journal of Information Literacy. 3(1), pp. 43-50. Available:
Benz, P. (2002). The English multiverse – WebQuests. Available:
Bird, Nora J., McInerney, Claire R., & Mohr, Stewart (2010). Source evaluation and information literacy: findings from a study on science websites. Communications in Information Literacy, 4(2).
Blanchard, Jay & Marshall, James (Eds) (2004). Web-based Learning in K-12 Classrooms: Opportunities and Challenges. Haworth Press, Inc.
Blanchett, Helen, Powis, Chris, & Webb, Jo (2012). A Guide to Teaching Information Literacy: 101 Practical Tips. Facet Publishing.
Bloom, B.S. (Ed.) (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: Classification of educational goals. Handbook 1: Cognitive domain. New York: Longman, Green & Co.
Bloom, B., Madaus, G., & Hasting, J.T. (1981). Evaluation to improve learning. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Boatman, W. (2003). Public libraries as a bridge for college-bound young adults. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 42(3), 229-234.
Bobish, Greg (2010). Instruction 2.0: what are we actually doing? Communications in Information Literacy, 4(1).
Bodemer, Brett B. (2011). The Importance of Search as Intertextual Practice for Undergraduate Research. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Available:
Bolton, Tamsin, Pugliese, Tina, & Singleton-Jackson, Jill (2009). Advancing the promotion of information literacy through peer-led learning. Communications in Information Literacy, 3(1), 20-30.
Booth, Austin and Carole Ann Fabian (2002). Collaborating to Advance Curriculum-Based Information Literacy Initiatives. Journal of Library Administration, 36(1/2), 123-142.
Bowen, Carol (December 2001). A Process Approach: The I-Search with Grade 5: They Learn!. Teacher Librarian, 29(2), 14-18.
Bowler, Leanne (December 2010). Talk as a metacognitive strategy during the information search process of adolescents. Information Research, 15(4). Available:
Bowles-Terry, Melissa, Hensley, Merinda Kaye, & Hinchliffe, Lisa Janicke (2010). Best practices for online video tutorials in academic libraries: a study of student preferences and understanding. Communications in Information Literacy, 4(1).
Branch, J.L. (2003). Nontraditional undergraduates at home, work, and school: An examination of information-seeking behaviours and the impact of information literacy instruction. Research Strategies, 19, 3-15.
Bransford John D., Brown, Ann L., and Cocking, Rodney (eds.) (1999). How People Learning: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Committee on Developments in the Science of Learning, National Research Council.
Bravender, Patricia, McClure, Hazel, & Schaub (2015). Teaching Information Literacy Threshold Concepts: Lesson Plans for Librarian. ACRL.
Breivik, Patricia Senn (April 2005). 21st Century Learning and Information Literacy. Change, 37(2), 20-27.
Breivik, Patricia Senn and Robert McDermand (April 2004). Campus Partnerships Building on Success. College & Research Library News, 65(4), 210-212, 215.
Brookfield, S. D. (1987). Developing critical thinkers: Challenging adults to explore alternative ways of thinking and acting. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Brooks, D. W., Nolan, D. E., & Gallagher, S. M. (2001). Web-teaching: A guide to designing interactive teaching for the World Wide Web. Second Edition. New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Brooks, J. G., & Brooks, M. G. (1999). In search of understanding: The case for constructivist classrooms. Alexandria VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Brower, Matthew (2011). A recent history of embedded librarianship: collaboration and partnerships building with academic learning and research environments. In C. Kvenild & K. Calkins (eds.), Embedded Librarians: Moving Beyond One-Shot Instruction. ACRL, 3-16.
Brown, David (1999). Information Fluency: What? Why? How? - PowerPoint Presentation
Brown, J.S., Collins, A., & Duguid, P. (1989). Situated cognition and the culture of learning. Educational Researcher, 18(1), 32-42.
Brown, R. G. (1991). Schools of Thought. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Bruce, Bertram C. & Bishop, Ann P. (May 2002). Using the Web to Support Inquiry-Based Literacy Development. Reading Online: Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 45(8).
Bruff, Derek (2009). Teaching with Classroom Response Systems: Creating Active Learning Environments. Jossey-Bass. Preview Available:
Bruner, J. (1960). The Process of Education. Harvard University Press.
Bruner, J. S. (1964). The Course of Cognitive Growth. American Psychologist, 19, 1-55.
Bruner, J. (1966). Toward a Theory of Instruction. Harvard University Press.
Bruner, J. (1973). Going Beyond the Information Given. Norton.
Bruner, J. (1983). Child's Talk: Learning to Use Language. Norton.
Bruner, J. (1986). Actual Minds, Possible Worlds. Harvard University Press.
Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of Meaning. Harvard University Press.
Bruner, J. (1996). The Culture of Education. Harvard University Press.
Budd, J. M. (2008). Cognitive growth, instruction, and student success. College and Research Libraries, 69(4), 319-331.
Burgan, M. (2006). In defense of lecturing. Change Magazine, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 38(6), 30-34.
Burke, Margaret (2012). Academic libraries and the credit-bearing class: a practical approach. Communications in Information Literacy, 5(2).
Burkhardt, Joanna M., Mary C. MacDonald, and Rathemacher, Andree J. (2010). Teaching Information Literacy: 50 Standards-based Exercises for College Students. 2nd Edition. American Library Association.
Burkhardt, Joanna M., Mary C. MacDonald, and Andree J. Rathmacher (2003). Information Explosion. Chap. 1. In Teaching Information Literacy: 35 Practical, Standards-based Exercises for College Students. Chicago: American Library Association, 1-16.
Buschman, John. (2009). Information literacy, "new" literacies, and literacy. Library Quarterly, 79(1), 95-118.
Buskist, W. (2002). Ten common teaching mistakes TAs (and Veterans) make. The Teaching Professor, 16, 6.
Buskist, William (November 2009). Lessons Learned in 60 Years of Teaching, Research and Learning. An Interview with William McKeachie. Association for Psychological Science, 22(9), 23-6. Available:
Buzan, Tony and Barry (2003). The Mind Map Book. BBC Books.
Callison, Daniel (2000). Inquiry, Literacy and the Learning Laboratory. In New Millennium, New Horizons, edited by Lyn Hay, Kylie Hanson and James Henri. Centre for Studies in Teacher Librarianship. Charles Sturt University, 55-64.
Callison, Daniel (2001). Scaffolding. School Library Media Activities Monthly. 17(6). (February), 37-9.
Callison, Daniel (September 2003). Informal Learning. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 20(1), 33-8.
Callison, Daniel (Spring 2004). Key Word: Information Fluency. School Library Media Activities Monthly.
Callison, Daniel (January 2005). Bias. School Library Media Activities Monthly. 21(5), 34-6.
Callison, Daniel & Preddy, Leslie. (2006) The Blue Book. LMS Associates.
Callison, Daniel and Annette Lamb (2004). Audience Analysis. School Library Media Activities Monthly. 21(1), 34-9.
Cannon, Kelly, Jarson, Jennifer (2009). Information literacy and writing tutor training at a liberal arts college. Communications in Information Literacy, 3(1), 45-57.
Carlin, Jane A. and Damschroder, Cindy B. (2009). Beautiful and useful: The book as a learning object. Using an honors seminar as a forum to explore information literacy and critical thinking. College and Research Libraries News, 70(3), 168-183.
Chandler, H. (2003). Concept mapping: WebQuests in Social Studies. Media & Methods, 39(3), 38-39.
Charnigo, L. (2009). Light! Camera! Action! Producing library instruction video tutorials using Camtasia Studio. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning, 3(1), 23-30.
Chatel, R.G. (2003). Developing literacy in the technical age: Expanding the boundaries of reader-text interactions. The New England Reading Association Journal, 39(2), 67-73.
Chu, Sam, Chow, Ken, Tse, Shek-kam, and Kuhlthau, Carol C. (January 2008). Grade 4 students' development of research skills through inquiry-based learning projects. School Libraries Worldwide, 14(1), 10-37.
Cleary, T., & Zimmerman, B.J. (2000). Self-regulation differences during athletic practice by experts, non-experts, and novices. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 13, 61–82.
Chickering, A.W. & Gamson, Z.F. (1987). Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education. AAHE Bulletin, 1987, 39 (7), 3-7.
Cognition & Technology Group at Vanderbilt. Anchored instruction and situated cognition revisited. Educational Technology, 33(3), 1993. 52-70.
Colborn, N. W. and Cordell, R. M. (1998). Moving from subjective to objective assessments of your instruction program. Reference Services Review, 26(3/4), 125-37.
Conger, J. (2001). Wake up that back row! Interactive library instruction without hands-on student computers. Reference Librarian, 73, 309-322.
Cooper, R.A. & Smarkola, C. (2001). WebQuests: Online inquiry instructional activities for teachers. MARTEC Technobrief, 117. Available:
Cooperstein, S. E., & Kocevar-Weidinger, E. (2004). Beyond active learning: A constructivist approach to learning. Reference Services Review, 32(2), 141-148.
Corno, L., & Mandinach, E. B. (1983). The role of cognitive engagement in classroom learning and motivation. Educational Psychologist. 18(2), 1-8.
Crawford, John and Irving, Christine. (2009). Information literacy in the workplace: A qualitative exploratory study. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 41(1), 29-38.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Basic Books.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (1997). Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life. Basic Books.
Curzon, Susan Carol, and Lampert, Lynn D. (2007). Proven strategies for building an information literacy program. New York: Neal-Schuman.
Dalbotten, Mary S. (1997). Inquiry in the National Content Standards. In Instructional Interventions for Information Use: Papers of Treasure Mountain VI edited by Daniel Callison, Joy H. McGregor, and Ruth Small. Hi Willow Research, 246-304. Reprinted in Information Literacy: Essential skills for the Information Age, edited by Michael B.
Dale, Edgar (1946) Audio-visual methods in teaching. The Dryden Press.
Dalrymple, C. (2002). Perceptions and practices of learning styles in library instruction. College & Research Libraries, 63(3), 261-273.
Daugman, Ellen, McCall, Leslie, and McMahan, Kaeley (2012). Designing and implementing an information literacy course in the humanities. Communications in Information Literacy, 5(2).
D'Angelo, B. J., & Maid, B.M. (2004). Moving beyond definitions: Implementing information literacy across the curriculum. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 30(3), 212-217.
deGroot, A. D. (1965). Thought and Choice in Chess. Mouton.
DeMars, C. E., Cameron, L., & Erwin, T.D. (2003). Information literacy as foundational: Determining competence. The Journal of General Education, 52 (4), 253-265.
DeSaulles, M. (2007). Information literacy amongst UK SME: an information policy gap. Aslib Proceedings, 59(1), 68-79.
Dewey (1933). How we think: A restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process. Boston: Henry Holt.
Dewey, Barbara (2004). The embedded librarian: strategic campus collaborations. Resource Sharing & Information Networks, 17(1/2), 5-17.
DiBianco, Phyllis (2004). Teaching Information Literacy Skills in the Age of Search, Click, Copy, and Paste. Information Searcher, 14(4), 1-32.
Dick, Walt, Carey, Lou, and Carey, James O. (2011). The Systematic Design of Instruction. Seventh Edition. Pearson.
Diller, K., & Phelps, S. (2008). Learning outcomes, portfolios, and rubrics, oh my! Authentic assessment of an information literacy program. Portal, 8(1), 75-89.
DIALOGUE Model for Information Literacy Skills from InfoOhio.
Donham, Jean (2010). Enduring Understandings - Where Are They in the Library's Curriculum? Teacher Librarian, 38(1).
Doolittle, Peter E. Multimedia Learning: Empirical Results and Practical Applications.
Doyle, C. (1994). Information Literacy in an Information Society. Available at Google Books.
Ducas, A.M. & Michaud-Oystryk, N. (2004). Toward a new venture: Building partnerships with faculty. College and Research Libraries, 65(4), 334-354.
Dudeney, G. (March 2003). The quest for practical web usage. TESL-EJ, 6(4). Available:
Dutt-Doner, K., Wilmer, M., Stevens, C., & Hartmann, L. (2000). Actively engaging learners in interdisciplinary curriculum through the integration of technology. Computer in the Schools, 16(3/4), 151-166.
Eisenberg, M.B. & Berkowitz, R.E. (1990). Information Problem-solving: the Big Six skills Approach to Library & Information Skills Instruction. Ablex.
Eisenberg, M.B. & Berkowitz, R.E. (1988). Curriculum Initiative: an Agenda and Strategy for Library Media Programs. Ablex.
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Eisenberg, Michael B. & Brown, Michael K. (Winter 1992). Current Themes Regarding Library and Information Skills Instruction: Research Supporting and Research Lacking. SLMQ, Vol, 20, Number 2.
Eisenberg, M.B., Lowe, C.A. & Spitzer, K.L. (2004). Information Literacy: Essential Skills for the Information Age. Libraries Unlimited.
Elmborg, J. (2006). Critical information literacy: Implications for instructional practice. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 32(2), 192-199.
Emmons, Mark, Elizabeth B. Keefe, Veronica M. Moore, Rebecca M. Sanchez, Michele M. Mals and Teresa Y. Neely. (2009). Teaching Information Literacy Skills to Prepare Teachers Who Can Bridge the Research-to-Practice Gap. RUSQ, 49(2), 140-150. Available:
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Eva, Nicole & Heather Nicholson (2011). DO get technical! Using technology in library instruction. Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 6(2), 1-9.
Everett, Jo Ann (2003). Curriculum mapping and collection mapping. In B. Stripling, and S. Hughes-Hassell, Curriculum Connections through the Library.
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Facione, Peter A. (1998). Critical Thinking: What it is and Why it Counts. California Academic Press.
Fagan, J.C. (2001). How to know what you want them to know: Rediscovering objectives by looking at evaluative materials. Research Strategies, 18(1), 75-83.
Fagerheim, Britt A., Shrode, Flora G. (2009). Information literacy rubrics within the disciplines. Communications in Information Literacy, 3(2), 158-170.
Farmer, Lesley S.J. (2011). Instructional Design for Library and Information Professionals. Neal-Schuman.
Felder, Richard (1988). Learning and learning styles in engineering education (PDF). Engineering Education, 78&7), 674-681.
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Fisher, Douglas, and Nancy Frey (2008). Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility. Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
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Information Literacy Standards for Science and Engineering/Technology (2006). Available:
Information Literacy Standards for Teacher Education (2011). Available:
Instruction Programs in Academic Libraries, Guidelines (2011). Available:
Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians and Coordinators, Standards for (2007). Available:
Psychology Information Literacy Standards (2010). Available:
Objects for Information Literacy Instruction: A Model Statement for Academic Librarians (2001). Available:
Political Science Research Competency Guidelines (2008). Available:
Research Competency Guidelines for Literatures in English (2007). Available:
Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (2011). Available:
American Library Association (ALA) Information Literacy Standards from American Association of School Libraries (AASL)
Standards for the 21st Century Learner (2009). Available:
International Society for Technology in Education Standards
National Educational Technology Standards for Students. Available:
Additional Website Resources
Assessments of Information Literacy -
Canadian Research Libraries Information Literacy Portal -
Digital Literacy -
Information Literacy -
Information Literacy in Second Life -
Intentional Design: How Blended Librarians Use Design Thinking to Enhance Library Services (2008) -
handout -
Instructional Design -
IPL 15 Things -
iSkills from ETS -
National Forum on Information Literacy -
Project Information Literacy -
Seven Pillars of Information Literacy -
TLT Group -
Training Games -
Wikiversity -
Information Literacy -
Gaming in Libraries -
Rethinking Education -
Using Debate to Develop Critical Thinking and Speaking Skills -
Information Literacy Land of Confusion -
LearningTimes GreenRoom (podcasts) -
Lifelong Information Literacy -
Tame the Web -
Online Teaching Materials
ACRL Information Literacy Resources (college) -
iLumina (undergraduate sciences) -
MERLOT (higher education) -
NSDL (K-higher ed sciences) -
PBS (K-12) -
SMETE (K-higher ed STEM) -
teachersdomain (K-12) -
Thinkfinity (K-12) -
WISC (technical colleges) -
Information Literacy Journal
Communications in Information Literacy -
Journal of Information Literacy -
Camtasia - screen recording and video editing software
Jing - annotated screen captures and images
Screencast - store and share content (2GB free)
Snagit - screen capture tool
Information Literacy Teaching Materials
ANT's Library from Screencast -
Information Literacy Channel -
LION: Library Information Literacy Online Network -
Linda (available free through IUPUI) -
Information Literacy Organizations
American Library Association > ACRL > Information Literacy
ACRL > Institute of Information Literacy
ALA > Interdivisional Committee on Information Literacy AASL/ACRL
Australian and New Zealand Institute of Information Literacy
Australian Library and Information Association - Information Literacy
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (UK)
National Forum on Information Literacy