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Google Projects
Beyond the basics, there are many more tools and resources to explore.
- This website is the philanthropic program of Google. It provides support for important projects worldwide.
- Google Alerts. Sends you email alerts related to specific searches.
- Google Code. This site provides developer information and ways to create new projects while learning code.
- Google Code University. Explore resources for building your own coding lessons and course.
- ImageChartEditor. Use the editor to create code for building a chart or graph.
- Go to Google: Exploring Computational Thinking for K-12 classroom ideas related to problem-solving skills and engineering.
- Check out the Student Work Showcase to see student-produced materials.
- Google Custom Search. Provide a custom search for a website. Check out a class example.
- Google Dengue Trends. Tracks dengue trends.
- Google Earth Outreach. Explore how Google Earth is used visualize causes and tell stories.
- Google Lit Trips. Read a novel and explore a trip.
- One World, Many Stories. Explore stories around the globe. Pick a project.
- Sea Turtle Conservation. Pick a sea turtle. Who do you think will win? Track the turtle and post on a bulletin board.
- Google Family Safety Center. Go to the center to learn more about safe searching, settings, and privacy. Are you practicing safe computing?
- Google Flu Shot. Search for a location near you that has a flu vaccine.
- Google Flu Trends. Tracks flu trends.
- Google Green. Explores how Google is addressing green efforts.
- Create a Green Scrapbook focusing on current trends in environmental searches.
- Google Public Alerts. This site provides important alerts from across the web.
- Google Recipes
- Google Science Fair. You can explore projects, watch videos, or join the science fair.
- Who will win the science fair? Your class will decide. Pick a project to present to the class. Vote on your favorites!
- Gooru. Google is one of a number of sponsored for this new educational site.
- Google Transparency Report. Check to see what countries are censoring the web.
Browse the options. Choose one. Discuss how it might be used in the classroom.