Re-imagine, Rejuvenate, Renew:
Beyond Library Media Specialist 2.0
Hands-on Workshop Materials
You may also wish to read the article for more detail.
This workshop contains five sections:
Build Book-Technology Connections
Go to Wordle for a Tech Check and some fun.
Explore Literature Ladders website and the subsections:
The World of 2.0
Evolution of Web
Web 2.0. Visit LibraryThing - Annette Lamb's LibraryThing Profile and Catalog. Also, check out Booksprouts.
Learner 2.0. Check out Playaway. Visit Ancient Greece for an example of a project that includes a variety of student produced work and use of the discussion tool.
School Library Media Specialist 2.0. Visit Joyce Valenza from Springfield Township High School Virtual Library and explore her twitter, blog and wiki. Check out some examples (from Teachlibrarianwiki): Digital Booktalk; Catcher in the Rye and Handmaid's Tale, Circle of Seven Productions, Nancy Keane's Booktalks Quick and Simple, Tucson-Pima Public Library Teen Summer Reading, Mabry Film Festival - Best Picture Nominees.
It's important to balance the importance of intellectual freedom with the need for safe learning environments. Explore online tools are addressing safety issues regarding these tools.
Read Overview to High Tech Learning: Libraries, Librarians & Web 2.0.
Explore a dozen Web 2.0 tools you should know.
- Blogger, Edublogs & Word Press - blogging
- Twitter - microblogging
- Bubbl, Gliffy, Thinkature & TimeRime - collaborative concept maps
- - shared bookmarking
- Myspace, Facebook, imbee, Nicenet, & Ning - social networking tools
- YouTube, SchoolTube,, & TeacherTube - video sharing
- Flickr - image sharing
- SlideShare, Scrapblog, & VoiceThread - multimedia sharing
- Survey Monkey, Poll Daddy, Snap Poll, & Zoho Polls - survey creation
- Wikipedia, pbwiki, WetPaint & Wikispaces for Educators - collaboration tools
- Skype & Second Life - video conferencing and networking
- Google Docs, Google Groups, Google Sites, & Google Earth - word processing, spreadsheet, presentations, social networking, mapping, photographs
David Warlick suggests introducing students to the E's of Information Literacy:
Step 1: Re-imagine the Tools
Go to High Tech Learning: Tools and explore examples in each of the following areas:
Text and Data
Illustration and Photography
Step 2: Rejuvenate Learning Spaces
Literature Example
Go to High Tech Learning: Learning Spaces for examples and explore examples in each of the following areas:
- Social Technology
- Participatory
- For mathematics, check out Mr. Kuropatwa's Classes (Applied Math 40S - W07, W08, PreCalc 20S - F06, PreCalc 30S - F06, PreCal 40S - F06, W06, W07, APCalc AB - W07, Calc 45S - S06). He uses blogs, collaboration, and images to enhance the social and emotional aspects of his classes.
- Examples: Duck Diaries, Mabry Middle School Library Blog, Washington Middle School Library, Seattle, The Reading Room, Ron Hirschi Visits Eastview Elementary, The Secret Life of Bees
- Services: Blogger, Edublogs, Class Blogmeister, Gaggle (subscription), Epals (subscription), Word Press (service and software)
- Learn more at Escrapbooking: Blogging or High Tech Learning: Blogging.
- Learn more about RSS feeds and syndication at Information Architecture for the Web: Syndication and High Tech Learning: RSS.
- Collaborative Web and Wikis
- Examples: Wikipedia, Wikimedia, Wikibooks, Wikijunior, Wikia, WikiTravel
- School Projects: The Home of Sylvie,Civil War Literature, Goofy Global News, arrrpirates, WikiLit, Banned Books, English Biz, Holocaust Wiki Project, Read Write Wiki, Young Illustrator Wiki, Screen Plays,, Wordless Books, Choose Your Own Adventure, World War I: Poetry Visualization Project
- Practice Wikis: Travel The USA!, Characters in Literature and Settings in Literature
- Services: PBWiki, Wikispaces for Educators
- Learn more at High Tech Learning: Collaborative Web and Wikis.
- Find more examples at Read Write Wiki and Wiki World
- Interactive Technology
- Desktop spaces
Step 3: Renew Partnerships
Wings by Christopher Myers Activities
Wright 3
Combine the Best of Traditional and New Technology
American Born Chinese
- Comic Software
- Comic Creator
for Kids
- Comic Creators for All Ages (potential for inappropriate content)
- Cartoon and Caption Creators
- The Author's website includes book excerpts and a blog.
- Learn more at Digital Comics and ScrapComics.
Collaborative Blog:
- High school classes in New York and Michigan read the novel Night by Elie Wiesel. The classes blogged about their experience, published connection to Sudan and worked with An End to Intolerance (PDF).